References EN
of our satisfied clients

"My girlfriend is bored with my business. While I had a consultation at LEON Tax office, she was doing shopping in the nearby shopping centre."

director of a software company, Bratislava


"I know that one and the same advisor will deal with my business issues at my future visit. I like such an approach, because my advisor is well familiar with economics of my company."

branch director of an international company, Bratislava


"I am pleased to learn that there are companies in Slovakia that operate on an European level. Besides, tax advisory is not only about professionalism but about trust as well."

director of a travel agency, L. Mikuláš


"In cooperation with the experts from LEON Tax k.s., our office succeeded in introducing the system SAP in our branch in a relatively short time. We appreciate both the quality and the flexibility of services offered."

board chairman, autom. industry

Ktoré naozaj ocenite
Neúčtujeme vám za čas strávený naším cestovaním
Komunikujete s jedinou osobou, ktorá zastreší všetky vaše podnikateľské oblasti
Spolupracujeme s renomovanými partnermi na medzinárodnej úrovni
Pri ceste k nám nezažijete žiadne zápchy ani problémy s parkovaním
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